Translating Science and Data through Story

Case Study:

Translating a Scientific Study for a Wider Audience

As a trained plant biologist and creative writer, I like to explore all media when it comes time to tell the story of a published research article’s impact in the community. This mini-campaign told the story of the economic impact of an invasive fruit fly called spotted wing drosophila to the Minnesota berry industry.

The original paper, part of a larger and still-ongoing study, was published in The Journal of Integrated Pest Management.

I wanted to distill the key findings of the study quickly for regional media members, local berry growers and other non-specialist stakeholders.

A press release hosted on the newly relaunched invasive species center website and sent out to media members around the time of the 85th Annual Hopkins Raspberry Festival in Minnesota served to outline the work in digestible, written copy.

Press release featuring invasive species research publication of regional public interest

Press release featuring invasive species research publication of regional public interest

Infographics visually conveyed high-level findings in a Center-branded thank you email to growers across the state who had participated in the survey portion of the research. The email also included tips for controlling the pest, and pointed growers towards related projects to follow as a call to action.

Infographic visualization as part of a grower survey participation ‘thank you’ email

Infographic visualization as part of a grower survey participation ‘thank you’ email